Toy Company Fined Over $2 million for Hazard Risks

Stuffed animals, rain ponchos and play jewelry are some of the Toy products that Daiso California LLC had been selling before a recall. The risks associated with their products included strangulation from the rain ponchos, lead poisoning from the jewelry, and choking from the stuff animals.

Since Daiso California LLC has violated federal safety laws, the company has been forced to cease importing children’s toys to the U.S. and must pay fines in excess of $2 million.

The CPSC has a list of safety standards and testing requirements that toy vendors must abide to in order to sell children’s toys in the U.S. Toy companies must also place proper warning labels on their toys so that parents are aware of the risks for children using the toys. However, sometimes the risks are omitted from the label or the manufacturer fails to perform proper testing to identify the risks relating to their toys. Toy manufacturers may also provide a label that informs the parent of the appropriate age of a child to use the toy. This is often done because there is some kind of risk that would apply to a child’s use of the toy that is out of the age bracket identified on the label.

Toy recalls are numbered in the thousands every year. In many cases, the toy recall does not occur until a child has suffered serious injury or death. Recalls that may affect children include toys, appliances, furniture and clothing. Parents should inspect all items that children may come in contact with to reduce the risk of injury.

Identifying Defective Children’s Products

The following tips are not foolproof but may provide some items for you to be aware of when inspecting children’s toys, appliances, furniture and clothing.

  • Toys where parts can detach that create a choking hazard
  • Toys made of metal or plastic that create a risk for dangerous levels of lead or solvents
  • Toys made with strings such as chords or fabric that pose a strangulation risk
  • Toys with sharp edges that can cause lacerations
  • Electric toys that may be associated with a fire hazard or burn risk
  • Toys with knobs that cause choking hazards

If your child or a loved one has been seriously injured because of a defective toy, contact Burton Padove for a free consultation at 219-836-2200.


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