Roughly 1.5 Million Strollers with Hazardous Defects

Every year there are a good number of children’s products that are recalled because they pose a risk for injury. Over the years, various toys, cribs and children’s accessories have been recalled due to defects. The most recent recall involves Graco’s Strollers. The recall came after serious reports of injury.

Five children had their fingertips amputated due to the defect in several types of Graco Strollers. Two other children received lacerations because of the faulty stroller models. The affected models include: Graco’s Passage™, Alano™, Spree™ Strollers and Travel Systems.

Graco and The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission announced a recall of the affected strollers to prevent injury to other children. The defect relates to the hinge mechanism on the canopy of the stroller. When the canopy is being used, the design of the hinge creates a risk for amputation or laceration. Not all strollers in the affected models pose an injury risk. It is those that use a hinge mechanism with plastic notches for positioning that create the hazard for children. Parents that have purchased such strollers can contact the manufacturer for a kit that may be placed on the stroller to prevent the risk of injury. Consumers can contact Graco at (800) 345-4109 for more information.

Children’s disabilities have an impact on emotional health, school and social life. The physical disability also has an impact on daily life. These factors are evaluated in the decision for financial compensation in accordance with the law.

If your child has been injured because of a defective product, contact Burton Padove for a free consultation at 219-836-2200.


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