Prempro Recall

Prempro is subject to another cause for alarm because of a recent recall. This drug recall affects two lots of the product, namely Lot C83323 (exp. 3-10) and Lot D82196 (exp. 12-10). Nearly, 50,000 cartons of Prempro are included in this particular drug recall.

Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, the manufacturer of Prempro, began the drug recall in January of 2010 by way of letter notification. However, people that have moved and have not changed their addresses may not be aware of the recall. The Prempro recall was initiated because the level of estrogen in the affected lots did not meet the specifications outlined in the company’s New Drug Application (NDA).

Prempro is used to treat menopausal symptoms. Wyeth also claimed that the drug improved cardiovascular activity.

By first quarter 2004, approximately 1 million women were taking Prempro. In February of 2009, study results published by the New England Journal of Medicine to note that the incidence of breast cancer was twice as high in women taking menopausal hormones when compared to women not taking hormones. The study results also noted that incidence rates decreased dramatically in conjunction with the reduction of hormone use following the release of the Women’s Health Initiative Study termination.

The Women’s Health Initiative Study showed the link between breast cancer and hormone replacement therapy. Other medical conditions that have been linked to Prempro and other hormone therapy replacement therapies include: ovarian cancer, non-hodgkins lymphoma, heart attack, stroke and blood clots. Prempro is still available to women by prescription.  There is a black box warning about cancer on the drug label.

It is important to note that Premarin, Provera and Prempro are not the only hormone replacement therapy drugs linked to alarming cancer rates. Femhrt, Activella, CombiPatch and Estratest have also been linked to breast cancer.

Mr. Padove is currently accepting Prempro Cases. If your child or a loved one has been seriously injured because Prempro, contact Burton Padove for a free consultation at 219-836-2200.


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