Recently, President Obama demanded a $20 million fund be set up to provide oil spill relief. BP met this demand and the fund will be administered by Kenneth Feinberg who oversaw the fund for the victims of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. While this amount is not a small drop in the bucket, the $20 million may not cover the costs associated with the oil spill clean up or the suffering of families who maintained their livelihood because of the appeal of the Gulf Waters. For this reason, the $20 million is not a capped amount.
Kevin Costner has also stepped up to the plate with 2.5 ton centrifugal technology that he purchased from the Department of Energy and improved upon over the course of fifteen years. This technology was designed as a “first response” mechanism for separating oil from water. The technology is currently being improved upon to meet Gulf oil spill needs since the oil has been in the water for quite some time which makes it hardened in a much thicker form of consistency. Kevin Costner spent $25 million on this technology and $1 million has been spent on improvements and testing. BP has submitted a letter of intent to purchase 32 machines at a cost of approximately $500,000 each. Kevin Costner plans to donate 80% of his proceeds to those suffering in the marshlands and fisheries.
There have been 110 million gallons or more of oil that has filled the Gulf and surrounding waters since the April 20, 2010 oil rig explosion. Despite BP’s efforts to remedy the situation using an apparatus to block the oil from seeping and burning the oil on the waters, the situation is far from resolved. In the meantime, Kevin Costner’s centrifugal technology is being reviewed by regulatory authorities before it can be used in the Gulf waters.