Indiana child custody modification is a topic of discussion for many divorced parents thriving through career changes which may change their lifestyle or create the need for relocation. The court plays a role in lifestyle changes of divorced parents whenever the alterations in children’s lifestyles change. The court often must reevaluate to determine if the change supports the best interests of the children.

Recently, circumstances changed for an Indiana woman who was originally ordered to be primary custodian of her two children. This woman decided it would be in the best interest of her family to relocate over 30 miles closer to her job location. This decision brought up a contention in the law. Under Indiana law, children have a right to a stable home and the relocation stirred up concerns about the extent of stability due to relocation.

It is true that stability in the child’s environments, such as, the same school, same friends and social activities, offer stability. Of course, the availability of the parent to be home with children is important for stability as well. So, Indiana courts need to evaluate several factors when it comes to modification of custody rights.

Proton Pump Inhibitors, on a positive note, may allow people to reduce the risk of more serious medical conditions when acid in the stomach creates symptoms that may be more subtle than the consequence of being left untreated. People with erosive esophagitis, GERD, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug-induced ulcers, gastro esophageal reflux disease and small intestine ulcers may find relief using Proton Pump Inhibitors. Yet, the risk also has to weigh against the advantages when it comes to the use of drugs. Some people who have used Proton Pump Inhibitors for up to a year have developed osteoporosis and bone fractures. In fact, recent study demonstrates that long term use is associated with an increased risk of osteoporosis and bone fractures.

Physicians who prescribe Proton Pump Inhibitors closely monitor patients when they are prescribed a Proton Pump Inhibitor. Accordingly, physicians request that patients check in to let the physician know if the medication is working. Physicians may also request the patient return of the office for follow up evaluation after being on the medication for a week or so. Physicians may also prescribe other diagnostic tests to identify any other possible treatment plans that may be an adjunct to treatment or an alternative to treatment. Studies seem to indicate the risk is reduced when the medication is not used for more than 14 days, three times a year.

In essence, it’s wise to be certain you are aware of medication risks. It may also be important for you to know that medications that are less safe and less effective than alternatives are not meant to be approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

It’s time to slip into your sneakers and get ready for a healthy run. The One America 500 Festival Mini-Marathon is set at the same time as the Legal Aid Centre of Eldoret, Kenya, known as the LACE Race. The Legal Aid Centre of Eldoret, Kenya is hoping to raise the number of participants in the race to help support their initiatives for the protection of civil and legal rights of those involved in the AMPATH program, a medical collaboration joining efforts of Indiana University and Moi University in Kenya. LACE supports legal guidance for those in need. LACE is committed to demonstrations of good will for the support of availability of legal counseling for those in need.

LACE needs runners’ support as well since civil rights for all people in Kenya need assistance that LACE is dedicating to providing. If you can sacrifice sweating clothes, minor back aches or other types of aches that runners may experience, it can be very worthwhile to sign up and train for the LACE run. After all, there are numerous rewards, including:

  • Increased energy, as you release endorphins when you perform any activity in which you lift one foot off the floor interchangeably.

Benzocaine is used by babies to reduce teething pain and by adults for cancer sores or gum irritation. Yet, there has been a scare dating back to 2006 when many infants died and their deaths had been linked to benzocaine use. Now, since the death toll has risen to 319 deaths, the Food and Drug Administration has announced another warning about the use of benzocaine. In fact, Veteran’s Administration medical centers have abandoned the use of benzocaine.   As more organizations and people join together in the fight against the use of benzocaine, gels, sprays and  liquids, one day perhaps, all need not worry about the risk of a baby, typically younger than 2 years of age dying from benzocaine. Adults and seniors may also be at risk when it comes to benzocaine. If you or a loved one has had any of the below mentioned symptoms within two hours of taking benzocaine resulting in serious injury or death, you may be entitled to financial compensation due to a violation of your legal rights, including:

•   Headache

•  Dizziness or lightheadedness

Anytime you see an empty shelf at a drug store, your first inclination may be to think that the drug store has run short on supplies. So, you may look towards the right or left to see other products that you can choose from. In the case of Cold, Cough and Allergy over-the-counter drug products, you may have to scan your eyes further because over 20 Cold, Cough and Allergy over- the-counter drugs have been pulled from store shelves throughout the U.S.

This time the names of the drugs that are recalled may not be recognizable. There are many versions of cough, cold and allergy drugs that contain similar ingredients and the brand name of the drug may sound similar to the active ingredients listed on the label. It is some of these types of versions that have been recalled.

Anytime an active ingredient consists of a prescription strength concentration level, the drug must be properly evaluated for safety, effectiveness and quality. Independent clinical trials, often funded by the manufacturer, must be conducted to rule and identify risks, including risks for people considered in the high risk category. People in the high risk category are often people who take other medications because some prescription medications may harmfully interact with the over-the-counter product and/or other medications you are taking. People in the high risk category may also be people who have certain medical conditions which may make them more sensitive to the results of taking prescription or over-the-counter drugs.

Indiana Superior Court recently partnered with IHCDA to provide a secure Internet portal to enhance faster, more efficient resolutions for mortgage lenders and people facing foreclosure.

The mortgage crisis has vastly affected thousands of lives, both from the prospective of the lender and the borrower.  The foreclosure process is often inhibited when people facing foreclosure are not aware of the documents required or know how to properly present documents that allow for a timely, efficient and mutually beneficial resolution to the foreclosure.

The Indiana based Internet portal enhances the chance of a successful settlement agreement by providing a means to bridge the information gap between mortgage lenders and borrowers challenged by foreclosure.    During the mediation process, borrowers will know how to submit documentation to housing lenders. This information is not part of the court process but meets requirement for settlement negotiations.

Pain pumps used during and/or following surgery for medical procedures are generally safe. In fact, advancements in pain pumps have taken the fear, anxiety and discomfort out of surgery for many people throughout the U.S.

At Padove Law, we like to keep you informed about recalls that may occur with many types of medical devices over time. Such is the case for a recent CLASS I RECALL announced by the Food and Drug Administration for Moog Medical pumps, including: Curlin 6000 CMS, Curlin 6000 CMS IOD, PainSmart, and PainSmart IOD.

Not all of the company’s medical devices were recalled, but a specific group that was distributed from May 2007 to February 2011. A CLASS I RECALL signifies the need for healthcare professionals to take immediate action to return affected models to the manufacture due to the discovered risk of serious injury or death that may result with the advent of an uncovered defect in the medical device.

Indiana imposes stiff penalties for people with a DWI. Everyone today is likely to have heard the old adage, “No drinking and Driving”. Everyone today is likely to know the value associated with having a designated driver in your companionship on days or evening of drinking. Still not everyone knows the implications associated with a DWI in terms of personal injury to yourself or others. People injured by drunk drivers tend to experience some of the most debilitating injuries.

Are You A Drunk Driver? Know the Law

Generally speaking, if your blood alcohol level (BAC) is at .08% or more, you are considered a drunk driver in the state of Illinois. In addition, there is a special criterion for truck drivers or commercial vehicle drivers and people under 21 years of age. Truckers and commercial vehicles drivers may not exceed .04% in their blood content level. People under the age of 21 have a limit of .02%

Illinois has recently become the next state to embrace sales tax for retailers on the Internet. There are several other states in America that have also initiated sales taxation for Internet retailers based in their state. Over a year ago, Texas State billed Amazon for $269 million in back sales taxes due to the fact that the warehouse was located in Texas. Since then, several states have adopted the sales taxation for Internet retailers. Following receipt of the $289 million bill from the state of Texas, Amazon closed the warehouse in Texas.

Now this this form of Internet taxation has one become known as the Amazon Tax. Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn signed the legislation to generate cash flow from state sales taxes collections on the Internet. This law applies to online companies based out of Illinois, while conducting business on websites

  • The Tax Foundation has not seen evidence to suggest that this type of taxation will generate substantial revenue for individual states.
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