There were nearly 700 fatalities resulting from alcohol-related car accidents in Indiana in 2009. Of these fatalities nearly 250 were merely alcohol-related while more than 200 were the result of drunk drivers. Through the Christmas and New Year holiday, Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) is pushing its Campaign to Eliminate Drunk Driving. This campaign has been going strong since 2006 and in celebration of its fifth anniversary, MADD released a report rating each state on its efforts to reduce the risks of drunk driving traffic accidents. These types of accidents account for a third of all traffic accidents on U.S. roadways. These accidents are completely preventable, too. Unnecessary deaths results from irresponsible driving habits.”While we’ve made substantial progress with the Campaign…there is still much work to be done,” said MADD National President Jan Withers.

Our Gary drunk driving accident lawyers understand that Indiana was only ranked with two out of five starts in this report. The nation overall received 3 out of 5 stars in its fight against drunk drivers. Our state lacks a number of tools for meaningful progress in fighting drunk driving accidents. In our state, only some judges require ignition interlock devices for first-time DUI offenders, but legislative leadership is needed to require these devices of all drunk drivers. The report also says that our state should enact more penalties on those who are convicted of a DUI when a child is present in the vehicle.

States were ranked on their adoption of the following preventative measures:

-Requiring ignition interlock devices for all those who are convicted of drunk driving.

-Executing sobriety checkpoints.

-Enhancing penalties for drivers who are busted for drunk driving with children in the vehicle.

-Participating in “no-refusal” activities for those who officers suspect of drunk driving.

-Using some sort of Administrative License Revocation for those who have been convicted of a DUI.

Drunk driving accidents cost the nation more than $130 billion each year. These costs include about $70 billion in quality-of-life costs and roughly $60 billion in monetary costs. Local and state governments fork out roughly $3 billion while the federal government hands out almost $5 billion. Employers typically hand out nearly $11 billion. Of the $11 billion, nearly $4 billion related to accidents involving work trips while nearly $10 billion results from accidents that happen outside of work involving employees and benefit-eligible dependents.

During the holiday season, drunk driving car accidents are more common than during any other time of the year. The goal of MADD’s campaign is to ultimately to help to stop drunk driving accidents on our roadways. Please be safe through the remainder of 2011 and drive responsibly. If you’ll be drinking at a holiday gathering, please arrange a safe and sober way home. You’re also asked to keep an eye on your friends and family members to make sure everyone is making a conscious effort to keep our roadways safe through the remainder of the year. Enjoy safe and Happy Holidays!
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The end of the year beings increased risks for serious car accidents in Highland. Thanksgiving is typically Indiana’s second deadliest holiday season. Officers responded to more than 40 rural-area accidents, 20 of them involving deer.Our Indiana car accident attorneys understand that we’ll be soon experiencing another wave of increased risks for serious accidents as the end of the year draws near. With Christmas and New Year’s upon us, residents across the country will be hitting our roadways in route to their holiday gatherings with friends and family. The increase in traffic leads to an increase in traffic accidents and ultimately an increase in the number of traffic-related injuries and fatalities. Motorists are asked to drive carefully, cautiously and alertly to avoid an accident this holiday season.

Drivers are urged to check out Indiana road traffic on WTHR 13’s website before heading out on our roadways. It’s wise for drivers to avoid congested roadways and to avoid driving during rush hour, nighttime and weekends. During these times on our roadways, accident risks are increased significantly.

To help ensure a safe arrival to your holiday destination, consider the following safe driving tips:

-Get Your Car Ready: Make sure that your car is serviced and that you’re prepared for an unexpected emergency. Always carry a first-aid kit, a torch and a blanket.

-Get Yourself Ready: Make sure you’re well rested. Plan out the trip before heading out and share the driving responsibilities. Take regular breaks to avoid driver fatigue.

-If You’ll Be Drinking: Never drive after drinking. Plan a safe way to get way home. Have a designated driver or call a cab. If you can’t find a driver, find a place to stay. Stay at a friend’s house or get a hotel room for the night.

-Buckle In Children: Make sure that all children are placed in the proper child restrain during every car ride.

-Safety For Pets: Make sure your pets are properly restrained as well, for the safety of everyone.

-Towing: Always tow check when you’re towing a trailer or a caravan.

-Brush Up: Revamp your driving techniques to avoid an accident through the holidays.

As our roadways get more and more crowded and as we head towards Christmas and New Year’s, drivers are urged to be courteous and cautious on our roadways. Spread some holiday cheer and be polite on our roadways. Let’s all have a safe and Happy Holiday Season.
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Three were injured in a recent Indiana car accident. The Indiana State Police report that the two-vehicle accident happened around 7:00 a.m. just north of Winslow on S.R. 61.The accident reports state that a 31-year-old driver was driving along 61 when she lost control of her vehicle because of the black ice. She slid across the roadway and into the path of a truck. The motorists were taken to Deaconess Hospital and to Jasper Memorial Hospital. Officers report that everyone was wearing their seat belt when the accident happened.

Our Gary car accident attorneys understand that drivers face serious risks on our roadways through the Christmas and New Year’s holidays. Not only are the roadways crowded with holiday traffic, but motorists are left to deal with the onset of winter weather. To help preserve motorist safety on our roadways, the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) is here to offer some safe winter driving tips for drivers.

Winter Safe Driving: Ice and Snow, Take It Slow:

-Be Prepared: Before leaving your house, know the driving conditions. Check out weather and traffic conditions in the state.

-Clear It Off: Wipe off any snow on your car’s brake lights, headlights and windows.

-Check It Out: Examine your car’s tires, fluids, hoses, belts and wiper blades to make sure everything’s working properly.

-Time It Out: Leave with plenty of time to reach your destination to avoid rushing, aggressive driving or a traffic mishap.

Look Out For Mother Nature:

-The First Snow or Ice: Oftentimes drivers aren’t ready for the winter, or driving through it, and forget to slow it down. You’re urged to drive below the speed limit and to leave plenty of room between you and other vehicles.

-Black Ice: You may think a road’s dry, but it’s not. It can actually be very dangerous. Remain alert and slow it down when approaching off-ramps, intersections, off-ramps or bridges as these are all common areas for black ice.

-Limited Visibility: When you can’t see too well, slow it down!

-Four-Wheel Drive: When you’re driving on ice or snow, it’s important to drive slowly and cautiously, no matter what type of vehicle you own. Four-wheel drive may be able to get you going faster, but it’s not going to help you stop any sooner.

Caution Around Snowplows:

-Give ‘Em Room: These snow-removal vehicles are wide and can occupy several lanes of traffic. Never try to pass and never tailgate.

-Slow It Down: These vehicles travel slower than the posted speed limit. Give them plenty of time.

-Be Visible: These vehicles have a restricted field of vision. You might be able to see them, but they’re not always able to see you.

Car accidents are typically more common during the holiday season, adding in winter weather does nothing to reduce these risks. That’s why we’re asking driver to be cautious and remain alert on our roadways through the remainder of 2011 and well into 2012. Have a safe and Happy Holiday!
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For women considering an Indiana divorce, many will decide to delay until after the holidays.

With planned family gatherings, a possible road trip and other activities, it may make more sense to delay filing for divorce until after the holidays to save some stress and hard feelings that could recently published a column that gives women some tips on what to do if they are considering divorce but aren’t sure what steps to take. Our Indiana divorce lawyers are prepared to help anyone who is considering divorce this time of year. It is a difficult decision and one that must be planned out well. There are many steps of preparation that must be taken when considering this decision.

While divorce represents a major lifestyle change — taking care of children mostly by oneself or living apart from them for the first time, dwelling in a new place, have less reliance on another person — there are major financial implications.

Not only do you split assets, you split debts. With the economy so bad right now for much of America, the real estate market depressed and investments and retirement accounts perhaps not as supple as they once were, accommodations must be made. A person must make strong plans to ensure they are able to survive the challenge.

Before you file, take the time to do this preparation. Consulting with an experienced Indiana divorce lawyer should be your first move. Getting as much worked out in advance can make the divorce process much smoother.

Statistics show that January is the month when most divorces are filed, Forbes reports. Making plans for a fresh start in January begin in December. Here are some tips for women who are considering divorce:

Collect your financial documents: Banks, credit-card companies, employers and others will be sending end-of-the-year documents via mail in the coming weeks. Gathering credit card and bank account statements and other financial-related documents is necessary. Make copies and store them in a secure area, possibly with a trusted friend or family member.

Do a credit check: Request a copy of your credit score and monitor it carefully so you will know if anything suspicious comes up. Check to make sure there aren’t any strange purchases, such as your spouse buying odd gifts.

Look for an Indiana divorce lawyer: Forbes recommends a team of professionals to help you through your divorce, including a divorce attorney, a divorce financial planner and a counselor/therapist. Interview them and settle on a group that will be able to help you at all angles.

Open new accounts in your name only: Create a bank account and open a credit card account in your name. Choose a new bank, where you aren’t currently affiliated. If you have little or no credit on your own, it may be tough, but you’ll need to establish credit, so get a plastic card.

Stay vigilant: Be attentive and keep an eye on the family assets and if you’re worried your spouse is wasting money or moving it around, consider filing a separate tax return for 2011.
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Indiana was the 32nd state to make text messaging while driving illegal. The law took effect on the 1st of July. Drivers can be fined up to $500 if busted, according to Hands-Free Info. The law was signed by Governor Mitch Daniels back on May 11th and is being used to reduce the risks of distraction-related car accidents in Highland and elsewhere.”Distraction is still a factor in too many serious crashes. But, the bill signed by Gov. Daniels will help make Indiana roads safer,” U.S. Transportation secretary Ray LaHood.


There have been many celebrity divorces in the news recently and aside from a higher income than most of the rest of us, these high-profile divorcees go through similar challenges — just like everyone else.

A Lake County divorce can take a toll, not only financially, but emotionally as well. It can create a big change in life circumstances and requires adapting to a new way of living.An experienced Gary divorce lawyer must be consulted to seek the best outcome possible. Whether fighting over alimony or child support payments, child custody, division of assets and debts or preparing financially (including consideration of tax issues and debt after a divorce), a lawyer will be able to assist you.

Among the most high-profile marriages and divorces in recent years was that of reality TV star Kim Kardashian and NBA player Kris Humphries. The couple spent millions on their wedding and agreed to a contract to do a television special about the event, only to split 72 days later.

It hasn’t been made public what led to the split, but the two millionaires had a prenuptial agreement in place. It’s unclear if either took away assets from the divorce.

News reports alleged that actor Ashton Kutcher was spotted out on the town with a young fling despite being married to actress Demi Moore for six years. Despite Kutcher’s efforts to save the marriage, the New York Daily News reports, Moore wanted a divorce.

The newspaper reports that Kutcher, 33, bought his 49-year-old wife a $100,000 car as a way of trying to save their marriage. Tabloid reports state that Moore knew of her husband’s alleged affairs as they were ongoing.

Kentucky Agriculture Commissioner Richie Farmer’s divorce has also gotten media attention, as it has been reported that he and his wife of 13 years are attempting to go to mediation to settle a lawsuit so they don’t have to proceed to a trial.

The Lexington Herald-Leader is reporting that Farmer and his wife, who filed for divorce in April, will again attempt to have a mediation hearing in order to try to work out their differences. A trial date had been set for December, but the two agreed to a delay of the trial while they attempt to get together and reach an agreement.

Mediation is held when the two sides of a divorce are unable to amicably agree to the separation of assets, child custody matters and other issues. This is handled differently on a state-by-state and county-by-county basis.

In some situations, couples are forced to go to mediation in order to try to avoid going to trial and taking up the time and resources that can require. When the dollar amounts, investments, properties and other assets are very high, this can be more complex. But divorces where few assets are on the line can be equally time consuming because of what those assets represent in a relationship.

Each case is unique. An experienced Indiana divorce lawyer will take your needs into consideration and prepare your case individually. There is no cookie-cutter approach to a divorce because every case is different.

Don’t attempt to do this alone. There are many long-term legal implications from a divorce and all should be taken into consideration.
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Divorce in any demographic can be a difficult thing. There are issues of where will the children live and how much will child support be. Who will get the house and who will have to pay alimony.

There are also tax consequences and long-term financial implications that an experienced Gary divorce lawyer can assist people with.Dealing with an Indiana divorce can be emotionally draining. But a skilled lawyer will be able to look at a person’s marital situation, and assess the best course of action for a split that offers a client the best chance for financial stability and long-term quality of life.

A recent Huffington Post article looks at the challenges that stay-at-home mothers face when they are preparing for a divorce and after the divorce is complete. For wage-earning divorcees, the financial implications of a divorce can be devastating, but for parents staying at home, it can be even more difficult.

The Huffington Post article suggests some tips for moms who are staying at home in order to make a divorce as smooth as possible:

Get your financial records:

Establishing a snapshot of your finances and other important material, including assets, debts, income, investments and other information should be kept in a safe place that is easy to access.

Consult a financial planner:

First meet with an Indiana divorce lawyer, but then meet with a financial planner. Ask your divorce lawyer about the benefits of meeting with a planner, who can assist your lawyer. They can summarize your financial situation and help you discover your net worth and how you may build a strategy for the divorce.

Look at the division of assets:

In Indiana, assets are divided 50/50, regardless of whose name the assets were in before the marriage. Unless there is a prenuptial agreement in place, this is how assets are divided. Don’t let that fool you. One side routinely walks away with more than half a couple’s assets. Get qualified legal representation.

Learn about alimony:

Alimony is how much money one spouse may be paid by the other after the divorce is completed. Some states have strict laws, while in others, judges have great discretion.

Child support:

Like alimony, a spouse can be forced to pay child support if they aren’t granted custody. The amount can vary, based on income levels, the child’s needs and other factors. Where a child lives, in most states, is determined by the “best interests” of the child.

Make a plan:

Create goals and envision how you want to live, post-divorce. In an Indiana divorce, you may have to fight to make sure you get what you need. There may be a transitional period before the divorce is finalized and sometimes court delays slow things down.

Be prepared for the new stage in your life and allow an experienced Indiana divorce lawyer to help you. There are many aspects of a divorce that are complex and that a person who has never gone through this experience may not be prepared to tackle. That’s why years of helping people through this process comes in handy. We will work to ensure you are set up to enjoy a productive life after divorce and that starts with making sure your finances are in order.
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Thanksgiving is supposed to be a time to give thanks and to spend your time with cherished friends and family. Unfortunately, nearly 450 people will die in car accidents in Indiana and elsewhere during the upcoming holiday weekend, according to the National Safety Council (NSC). Another 43,500 people are expected to be injured badly enough to require professional medical attention during the 4.25 day holiday weekend.The Thanksgiving Day holiday weekend officially begins at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 23rd and runs through 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, November 27th. The new fatality estimates from the NSC are about 20 percent less than the average of the actual fatalities from the last six years.

Our Gary car accident attorneys understand the increased number of expected travelers equates to more risks for crashes on our roadways. The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety estimates that nearly 43 million people will be traveling more than 50 miles from their home during the upcoming holiday weekend. This is up 4 percent from the 41 million who traveled for the 2010 holiday.

Gas prices are higher now than they were last year though. During the 2010 Thanksgiving Day holiday weekend, the average price per gallon was $2.88. This year’s average per gallon price is $3.39, according to CNN.

Memorial Day travel remained about the same for both 2010 and 2011, but travel for Labor Day and for Independence Day decreased from 2010 to 2011. Many experts believe that the decrease in travel is because of the increase in the price at the pump. Experts go on to conclude that travel will increase for the Thanksgiving holiday because Americans are sick of staying home and are swallowing their financial fear for some enjoyment on Turkey Day.

“Driving AAA’s projected increase in the number of Thanksgiving travelers is pent-up demand from Americans who may have foregone holiday travel the last three years,” said Bill Sutherland, vice president of AAA Travel Services.

With the increase in travelers during Thanksgiving, driving will still be the most dominant form of transportation for vacationers. Expectations for air travel are mixed. The Air Transport Association of America is forecasting a 2 percent decrease in the number of air travelers this year, while AAA is expecting a 2 percent increase.

Our Gary car accident attorneys would like to ask drivers to be safe, no matter how far you’re traveling over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend. All vehicle occupants should wear a seat belt at all times. These safety devices have been proven to be 45 percent effective in preventing death among front-seat passenger car occupants in the event of an accident. With this known information, about 150 people are expected to be saved over the holiday weekend because of seat belts. If everyone were to wear a seat belt, another 110 lives could be saved, says AAA.

The average number of traffic-related deaths over the last six Thanksgiving holiday weekends was more than 10 percent higher than the number of fatalities during similar non-holiday periods.

Enjoy your Thanksgiving Day weekend and drive safely on our roadways!
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Indiana State Police have seen it more than they want to remember– drivers asleep at the wheel and the resulting tragic consequences. That’s one of the reasons local officials have joined the efforts of the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety and the National Sleep Foundation to support Drowsy Driving Prevention Week. This campaign has been ongoing all this week, and is being used to raise awareness among drivers about the dangers of drowsy driving.

Drowsy driving-related car accidents in Highland and elsewhere nationwide kill more than 1,500 people and injure another 71,000 every year. Drowsy drivers cause more than 100,000 accidents each year. These sleepy traffic accidents cost nearly $13 billion a year.”People should use common sense if they’re feeling tired,” said Sgt. Bill Redman, St. Joseph County police spokesman. “You’re putting you and others at risk.”

Our Indiana car accident attorneys understand how dangerous drowsy driving can be. Many drivers underestimate the dangers of this behavior. According to a recent study from AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, about a third of drivers admitted to engaging in drowsy driving at least once in the last month. This number is alarming because more that 95 percent of those surveyed said that this driving behavior was completely unacceptable. Too many drivers believe that they can just push through the sleepiness behind the wheel and they couldn’t be more wrong.

A person who has been awake for 20 hours straight has the same reaction abilities as someone who is legally drunk, with a blood alcohol concentration of at least 0.08, according to WSBT.

“That driving behavior mimics someone drinking and driving,” said Indiana State Police spokesman Sgt. Trent Smith.

Indiana has experienced more than 4,600 drowsy driving-related accidents in the last year. These accidents have resulted in nearly 1,500 injuries and nearly 30 deaths.

According to Smith, these accidents most commonly happen when drivers travel too many miles without getting enough sleep. He says the accidents are oftentimes seen on highways, like the Indiana Toll Road.

Symptoms of drowsiness at the wheel:

-Feeling irritable.

-Trouble keeping your eyes open.

-Feeling restless.

-Yawning excessively.


-Swerving your vehicle in and out of your lane.

-Trouble keeping your head up.

-Feeling aggressive.

-Missing road signs and street lights.

-Having difficult remembering the last couple of miles you drove.

If you notice any of these symptoms while driving, you’re urged to pull over and take a break. One of the biggest mistakes that a driver can make is trying to power through the sleepiness. When you do this, you’re setting yourself up for microsleep, which is 3 to 4 second time periods when you actually fall asleep behind the wheel.

Remember to get plenty of rest before heading out on a long road trip, to stop and rest every 2 hours or every 100 miles, drive with a passenger when feasible, and know when to pull over and take a break.

“Drowsy driving is a major traffic safety problem that, unfortunately, is largely unrecognized,” said AAA Foundation President and CEO Peter Kissinger.
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The Department of Public Works (DPW) Indy Snow Force recently recruited assistance from Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard for new enhancements that have been added to the state’s snow removal program.

The recent announcement of its increase in snow plows comes just in time to address the wicked season to come. A recent freak snowstorm in the New England area dropped more than 30 inches of snow in some areas. The heavy, wet snow pushed over trees and snapped large branches, cutting off power to about 3 million businesses and homes from Maine to Maryland, according to USA TODAY.

With these dangerous conditions and icy roadways, we feel it’s time to start talking about the dangers and the risks of winter-related car accidents in Indiana.Our Highland car accident lawyers understand that meteorologists are predicting a lot of snow this season — above average levels. Indiana officials want to be prepared for this snowfall and the dangers and inconveniences that comes with it. To help keep the roads clear and safe for motorists, the Snow Force fleet was gifted with 6 new snow trucks for the upcoming season, according to Fox 59.

“Our Indy Snow Force fleet stands to clear city streets and keep residents safe during the harsh winter conditions we’re certain to face this season,” Ballard said.

The Indy Snow Force takes care of more than 6,000 lane miles of streets in the city. The fleet now consists of over 150 pieces of equipment. When snowfall exceeds 6 inches, the fleet tackles residential roadways to help residents gain access to their homes. This adds another 4,000 lane miles to the city’s workload.

The Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) is on board and buckling down for a brutal winter as well. According to Eagle County, the INDOT is urging motorists to be cautious when the snowy weather drops down on us. All motorists should be prepared before these conditions pop up.

INDOT will continue to focus its efforts on ice and snow removal, while keep the safety of motorists as a top priority.

To help prepare for the upcoming season, officials with the Seymour District conducted a number of inspections on their snow-removal trucks all through October. Officials looked at safety equipment and mechanical components on the vehicles in their fleet to ensure they’d be able to combat the winter weather in full force. The Seymour District has nearly 200 snow plows that look over nearly 5,000 lane miles of interstates and state highways.

If you plan on driving during questionable weather, you’re urged to visit to check out road conditions. About 500,000 used the website last winter. The website offers you information regarding closed roadways, snowfall stats and other helpful information.

“You know, we’ll be ready for winter,” said Howard County Highway Department Supervisor Ted Cain.
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