There were nearly 700 fatalities resulting from alcohol-related car accidents in Indiana in 2009. Of these fatalities nearly 250 were merely alcohol-related while more than 200 were the result of drunk drivers. Through the Christmas and New Year holiday, Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) is pushing its Campaign to Eliminate Drunk Driving. This campaign has been going strong since 2006 and in celebration of its fifth anniversary, MADD released a report rating each state on its efforts to reduce the risks of drunk driving traffic accidents. These types of accidents account for a third of all traffic accidents on U.S. roadways. These accidents are completely preventable, too. Unnecessary deaths results from irresponsible driving habits.”While we’ve made substantial progress with the Campaign…there is still much work to be done,” said MADD National President Jan Withers.
Our Gary drunk driving accident lawyers understand that Indiana was only ranked with two out of five starts in this report. The nation overall received 3 out of 5 stars in its fight against drunk drivers. Our state lacks a number of tools for meaningful progress in fighting drunk driving accidents. In our state, only some judges require ignition interlock devices for first-time DUI offenders, but legislative leadership is needed to require these devices of all drunk drivers. The report also says that our state should enact more penalties on those who are convicted of a DUI when a child is present in the vehicle.
States were ranked on their adoption of the following preventative measures:
-Requiring ignition interlock devices for all those who are convicted of drunk driving.
-Executing sobriety checkpoints.
-Enhancing penalties for drivers who are busted for drunk driving with children in the vehicle.
-Participating in “no-refusal” activities for those who officers suspect of drunk driving.
-Using some sort of Administrative License Revocation for those who have been convicted of a DUI.
Drunk driving accidents cost the nation more than $130 billion each year. These costs include about $70 billion in quality-of-life costs and roughly $60 billion in monetary costs. Local and state governments fork out roughly $3 billion while the federal government hands out almost $5 billion. Employers typically hand out nearly $11 billion. Of the $11 billion, nearly $4 billion related to accidents involving work trips while nearly $10 billion results from accidents that happen outside of work involving employees and benefit-eligible dependents.
During the holiday season, drunk driving car accidents are more common than during any other time of the year. The goal of MADD’s campaign is to ultimately to help to stop drunk driving accidents on our roadways. Please be safe through the remainder of 2011 and drive responsibly. If you’ll be drinking at a holiday gathering, please arrange a safe and sober way home. You’re also asked to keep an eye on your friends and family members to make sure everyone is making a conscious effort to keep our roadways safe through the remainder of the year. Enjoy safe and Happy Holidays!
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