“Kyleigh’s Law” was upheld by the New Jersey Supreme Court. This is the law that requires newly-licensed drivers to display a red sticker on their license plate. New drivers in the state are required to display this red sticker on their plates for a year after they receive a license. This law is named after a 16-year-old New Jersey resident who was killed in a car accident with another teen driver nearly 6 years ago.”There were too many teens in the car. He was new GDL driver. He was speeding. That’s a lot of distractions right there,” said D’Alessio’s mother.
Our Highland personal injury attorneys understand that newly licensed drivers face some of the most serious risks for car accidents. Just like the teens here in Indiana, all young drivers are required to follow strict rules and laws while learning to drive.
In Indiana, a driver has various restrictions during the stages of their intermediate license. During the first 180 days, they’re not allowed to drive from 10:00 p.m. until 5:00 a.m. After the first 180 days, they are prohibited from driving from 11:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. on Sunday through Friday. On Saturday and Sunday they’re not to drive from 1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. These young drivers are also restricted from driving with any passengers in the vehicle during the first 180 days of this licensing stage, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS). These laws are meant to help these young drivers to get the most out of driving education by exposing them to different dangers and driving scenarios in stages.
Officials in New Jersey say that these stickers are the perfect way to help officers enforce rules for these restricted licenses.
Not everyone is buying into the program. Many have chosen not to display them on their vehicles.
“I don’t like to be profiled so I refused to put it on my car,” said Chris Schetelick, teen driver of Bernardsville.
Not having the decal is not a moving violation, but teens can face a $100 fine.
While officers may have a tough time keeping their eye on all teen drivers throughout the state, we’re asking parents to step in and to help. We’re asking you to familiarize yourself with the laws of the state’s graduated driver’s licensing (GDL) program and to even enforce your own household driving laws. Make sure you know where your teen is driving, when they’re coming home, who they’re driving with and how they’re acting behind the wheel. Staying involved in your teen’s driving career may be one of the most effective ways to help keep them alive on our streets. Consider enacting a parent-teen driving contact to clearly lay out the rules and the consequences for breaking any household driving rules.
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