If a car strikes you when you walk down the street, you may suffer serious injuries. A pedestrian accident may lead to expensive medical bills, hospital treatment, and lost wages. In these situations, accident victims’ financial harm only worsens the physical and emotional harm they have suffered. Thankfully, Indiana law allows pedestrian accident victims to bring a personal injury lawsuit for negligence against the responsible driver. A personal injury lawsuit can help provide closure and ease the financial burden of a serious pedestrian accident.
For example, as a recent news article tragically reported, a man lost his life in a Gary, Indiana pedestrian accident. The pedestrian was walking on I-80 when two vehicles struck him. Both drivers stopped at the scene. Police arrested one driver for operating a vehicle under the influence (OWI).
What Are the Causes of Pedestrian Accidents?
There are multiple possible explanations for a serious pedestrian accident. For example, a driver may be operating their vehicle under the influence. People who consume alcohol before driving lack the concentration and reflexes necessary to avoid crashing into another person or vehicle. Even if drivers are not under the influence of alcohol, they may hit a pedestrian if they are distracted. Drivers who attempt to “multitask” may lose control of their vehicles or fail to brake before striking a pedestrian. Additionally, a driver may fail to obey traffic signals indicating that a pedestrian has the right-of-way. On the other hand, an accident could result if the pedestrian does not obey traffic signals giving a vehicle the right-of-way. Drivers and pedestrians alike should stay focused and follow all traffic signs to avoid a pedestrian accident.