After enduring one failed marriage – or two – fewer couples are finding themselves willing to tie the knot once again.

A recent report by the National Center for Family & Marriage Research at Bowling Green State University revealed that the U.S. remarriage rate has plunged by 40 percent over the last two decades.

That doesn’t mean, however, that they’re living in isolation. Rather, our Indiana family law attorneys recognize that many of them are instead opting to cohabit. By living together without the formality of marriage, many couples feel they can avoid the messiness that might ensue should they decide some day to part ways.
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Officials with the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) want you to be safe on our roadways and understand that can be a bit more difficult during the winter driving season.

They’re also reminding you: “Ice and Snow, Take it Slow!”

First and foremost, you want to make sure you’re ready. Before heading out, make sure you check weather and road conditions. Know the route you’re taking and make sure it’s clear. Also, make sure you’ve got plenty of gas. It’s not a bad idea to carry a winter driving kit which should include: blankets, flashlight and extra batteries, a brightly colored cloth, sand (or cat litter), shovel, candle, matches, non-perishable high calorie food, a first aid kit and jumper cables and cell phone.

Our Highland car accident lawyers understand that, each year, more than 800 people lose their lives on Hoosier roadways. Most of those crashes were caused by driver errors such as impaired driving, speeding, aggressive driving or distracted driving. The good news is that as a driver, you hold the key to crash prevention.
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Cruise control makes long trips and highway driving easier for motorists and is a very commonly used feature in vehicles. Because cruise control is found in so many cars and utilized by so many motorists, it is important to understand the impact that this feature can have on driver safety.

Recently, the AP News Archive reported on a study conducted in France involving 90 drivers. The study sought to uncover how cruise control effects driver behavior and thus how it affects the risk of accidents. Our Highland injury lawyers know that the results of the study were mixed, with cruise control helping to reduce some types of accidents while increasing the risks of others.
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Our Highland malpractice lawyers know that you count on your doctor to provide treatment based on what is right for you, not based on what is going to result in the biggest payoff for the physician or the hospital. Unfortunately, many patients have undergone unnecessary cardiac stent procedures in the past decade because these types of procedures can result in huge payouts for hospitals.

Every medical procedure carries risks, and these unnecessary and dangerous procedures were often carried out by doctors who lacked both scruples and medical talent. This has resulted in patients dying while having cardiac stents implanted that were not medically necessary.
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Coming to a decision about whether to divorce or stay together is not something most people take lightly. In some situations, couples take years before reaching their final conclusion.

There is nothing wrong with not wanting to rush into anything. However, long-term separations absent legal protections could end up being detrimental to one or more of those involved.

Legal separations in Indiana, which can last up to one year, aren’t required in order to get a divorce. However, they can be a (reversible) step in that direction. Even if you are not sold on the idea of ending the union altogether, it’s worthwhile for both parties to have a clear idea of how you intend to handle child custody, child support, parenting time, spousal maintenance and temporary division of property.
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Believe it or not, car accidents are responsible for most of the injuries that require some sort of hospitalization during pregnancy. And although the rate of seat belt use is on the rise, officials still estimate that 1 out of every 7 American adults isn’t buckling up during each and every car ride.

According to MNT, car accidents can be extremely dangerous for women who are pregnant, especially if they are not wearing a seat belt.

Our Highland car accident lawyers understand that many women have concerns about how to wear a seat belt properly while pregnant — and with good reason! When lap belts are improperly worn (over the dome of the uterus), they can significantly increase pressure on the baby and may possibly lead to fetal injury. But that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t wear one. You should instead know how to wear one correctly.
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Officials with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recently unveiled a new campaign that’s working to get parents to talk with the teen drivers in their family about five important driving habits. This effort is to help to protect our youngest, and most vulnerable travelers. The new campaign, “5 to Drive” has been launched alongside this year’s National Teen Driver Safety Week.

“The ‘5 to Drive’ campaign gives parents and teens a simple, straightforward checklist that can help them talk about good driving skills,” said Anthony Foxx, U.S. Transportation Secretary.

Our Highland car accident lawyers understand that there were close to 50,000 American drivers under the age of 21 who were involved in traffic accidents in the state of Indiana in 2011. Of these, close to 60 were killed as a result. Teen Driver Safety Week is observed each October and is used to promote outreach efforts that encourage communities to support the families of teenage drivers. Here in the state, organizations like Indiana Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) are getting involved by hosting events across the state that speak directly to young drivers about the dangers of distracted and impaired driving.
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Deciding to file for an Indiana divorce is almost never easy.

Determining a fair division of property after the fact can be equally wrenching – and mired with both legal and financial pitfalls if you aren’t careful.

Take for example the recent case chronicled by Reuters, in which a small business owner and his pediatrician wife decided to split after a few years of marriage. The case seemed fairly straightforward, as the couple had no children and he wasn’t asking for any continued spousal support.
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Most people think of Halloween as a time for fun and treats. However, about four times as many children aged 5-14 are killed while walking on Halloween night compared with other night of the year. And falls are a leading cause of injuries among children on this spooky holiday.

Many Halloween-related injuries can be prevented if parents closely supervise school-aged children during trick-or-treat activities.

According to Indiana State Police (ISP), many communities, schools and churches offer children safe alternatives to trick-or-treating designed to keep children safely within parents’ view. Some hospitals and schools allow children to trick-or-treat by going from room to room virtually eliminating the dangers associated with being out walking on the street after dark.

Our Highland injury lawyers understand that each year at Halloween, young children are at greatest risk. Accidents occur, sometimes as a result of strangers, but often through the carelessness of parents. That’s why we’re here, with officials with the ISP to help to ensure that everyone has a safe Hallow’s Eve.
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The Affordable Care Act, also known as “Obamacare,” has become the center of a contentious political battle, leading to an uncompromising standoff resulting in a federal government shutdown that has left both sides bitterly divided and the nation in limbo.

Whether you love or hate the act, it appears, at least for now, to be here to stay – and that is actually good news for anyone contemplating filing for a Lake County divorce.

It’s expected that the new healthcare law could serve to ease the financial sting of divorce – enough so that people who might have otherwise delayed or forgone such action will now have more freedom to do so.
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