NSF Sparks the Need Know Your MRI Contrast Dye

NSF, also known as nephrogenic systemic fibrosis or nephrogenic fibrosing dermopathy, has been linked to a gadolinium-based contrast agent that has been used in 200 million MRI procedures. Dating back to 2006, investigative authorities and Omniscan, the manufacturer, had begun to receive reports of nephrogenic systemic fibrosis in people that were given the gadolinium-based contrast agent during their MRI. Later, studies have documented that gadodiamide intoxication can build in years over time. The studies also noted that loss of renal function increases the severity of NSF. Researchers have not been able to fully identify the clinical, biochemical and pharmacological factors that relate to NSF and gadolinium contrast dye. However, it is clear that the key ingredient, namely gadodiamide, is responsible for producing NSF in patients that used this contrast dye for their MRI.

NSF is a painful debilitating disease that cannot be easily treated and may result in a slow painful progression to death. People with NSF are known to suffer from skin death that may encompass the body including: fibrosis of the diaphragm, muscles, abdomen and lungs. The skin may thicken as well. People with NSF may suffer from joint dysfunction and connective tissue disorders which can limit their mobility. People with NSF may also suffer from kidney impairment.

The manufacturers Bayer Healthcare, Bracco, Covidien, GE Healthcare and Mallinckrodt have all produced gadolinium contrast dye. It is not known how many of the 200 million people that have been administered the contrast dye is affected by NSF. However, there are a high number of reports of serious injury and death due to gadolinium related NSF.

Mr. Burton Padove is privileged to represent people nationwide that have suffered because of Gadolinium Contrast Dye. Rest assured you will have Mr. Padove’s commitment to defend your legal rights for the injuries you sustain due to nephrogenic systemic fibrosis and nephrogenic fibrosing dermopathy.

If you or a loved one has been injured because of a drug side effect or have NSF and underwent an MRI, call Burton Padove for a free consultation at 219-836-2200.


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