Construction Accidents: Know the Hazards

Construction accidents can be some of the most devastating types of accidents. Workers that are injured on the job may be eligible for worker’s compensation benefits. However, benefits offered through worker’s compensation may not equate to compensation for the total damages and life changing experiences that are incurred because of work accidents. Construction workers undoubtedly work in a high risk environment. Whether working on a scaffold or working with hazardous materials, the risk of injury is high for construction workers. For this reason, it is important to help prevent construction accidents as much as possible.

NIOSH has recently developed a set of precautions that construction workers can take to reduce the risk of serious injury or death, including:

  • Substances that are produced, used or result from job related tasks may pose a risk for injury or death.
  • Practicing rules in regulations and guidelines helps to reduce the risk of serious injury or death.
  • Review symptoms associated hazardous substances or materials so that you may see a physician immediately and reduce the risk of a more serious injury or death.
  • Workers that use hazardous dust, residue or solvents on the job should change clothes before returning home and shower immediately to remove hazardous particles from the body.

Construction Accidents may involve falling objects, unmanned ditches, and scaffold falls or malfunction.  Construction accidents may involve hazardous materials as well. In addition, construction accidents may be caused by equipment that was defective or not properly maintained. There are hundreds of reasons for construction accidents. Equally long, is the list of serious injuries that can occur, including, but not limited to:

• Death
• Brain Injury
• Spinal Cord Injury
• Orthopedic Injury
• Cancer
• Mesothelioma
• Siderosis
• Cadmium Poisoning
• Beryllium Disease
• Acute Solvent Syndrome
• Dermatitis
• Lead Poisoning
• Silicosis
• Manganese Poisoning
• Peripheral Neuropathy
• Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
• Acute Inhalation Injury

If you or a loved on has been seriously injured in a construction accident, contact Burton Padove for a free consultation at 219-836-2200.

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