Construction Accidents and Spinal Cord Injuries: Defraying Costs

Construction accidents are the third leading cause of injury related death. One of the most common injuries sustained in a construction accident is a spinal cord injury. In 2002, there were 250,000 spinal injuries in the U.S. The average age of a spinal cord injury victim is 25 and the disabilities usually last a lifetime. In fact, slightly less than fifty percent do not have health insurance at the time of the construction accident. Yet, the costs for a spinal injury are very expensive. The average first year medical costs for a spinal cord injury victim are $140,000. The second year costs for a spinal cord injury victim are over $150,000 for paraplegics and over $400,000 quadriplegics. The lifetime costs associated with care are nearly $430,000 for a paraplegic and up to $1.35 million for a quadriplegic. So, how can workers injured in construction accidents defray their costs?

Know Your Legal Rights

Workers that are injured in construction accidents have legal rights which may allow them to receive compensation for their injuries.  Injured workers may be entitled to worker’s compensation which provides funds for lost wages and lost future earnings. Worker’s compensation may also provide vocational assistance to help place injured workers in appropriate jobs. Injured workers may have a product liability claim against the manufacturer of a defective product that caused the accident. This claim may allow for compensation relating to lost wages and future earnings, pain and suffering as well as medical expenses. Injured workers may also be entitled to employer or contract negligence benefits. Yet, there are limitations in regulations. Legal rights of victims vary among the states. For these reasons, it is important to seek out a personal injury lawyer because they understand the laws in all areas of liability so that injured workers can receive the maximum benefit.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a construction accident, contact Burton Padove for a free consultation at 219-836-2200.

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