Indiana Medical Malpractice Tips
Indiana law conflicts were suited to reshape the statute of limitations for medical malpractice. According to Indiana statues, a medical malpractice lawsuit must be brought against a party within two years of failure to treat, neglectful injury or wrongful death. Recently, the Indiana Supreme Court weighed in on conflicts for lower court decisions in which the Supreme Court decided that the statue has merit, but cannot be applied in cases when the injured party was not able to learn about the condition until after two year rule. In this exception, injured parties may file a lawsuit within two years after the discovery of the medical malpractice.
This decision served a breast cancer patient well so that she could recoup losses for a physician’s failure to diagnose her breast cancer. Several other medical malpractice victims received proper attention for their complaints under the same exception.
The majority of medical malpractice cases in Indiana fall under the Medical Malpractice Act. However, if the physician does not participate in a state sponsored excess insurance program, other laws may apply. In all medical malpractice cases, there are numerous conditions that just be met in order to qualify for a lawsuit, including, but not limited to: