Articles Posted in Car Accidents

A 2008 National Highway Safety Traffic Safety Survey provided a number of conclusions concerning pre crash factors, including, but not limited to destructed driving, crash ability, road construction and environmental considerations.United States Department of Transportation Causation Survey.pdfAn assessment of the roadway design, environmental conditions, and participant interviews. Among such cases, roads slick with ice and other debris were the most frequent roadway-related critical causes of accidents.

The incredibly bad weather in Northwest and Central Indiana clearly reflects how the current icy and snowy weather and resulting slippery road surfaces have resulted in accident after accident. Perhaps the worst of which took place, January 23 2014, on Interstate 94, and US 421.The collision involved over 40 vehicles, including 15 tractor trailers and at least three fatalities. Whiteout conditions probably played a role making it difficult for truck and automobile drivers to see the road in from of them.

Just days ago, another multiple vehicle crash involving semi-trucks and other vehicles took place on Interstate 65, just outside Lafayette, Indiana. As a result, northbound and southbound. Lanes were closed for hours. Slick roads,winds, snow and fog limited visibility.
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A newly-married couple departed from their wedding reception and headed back to their hotel when they witnessed another vehicle run into some winter-weather road troubles. According to the Chicago Tribune, the couple saw another vehicle slide off the road and into a ditch. The two parked their vehicle in a nearby driveway and attempted to help the stranded motorist. The new groom walked to the troubled vehicle while his new wife waited in the car. As the groom helped the driver, he and the stranded driver, a local teacher, were hit by three passing vehicles. Both were killed.

The road was not icy, but they were two banks that were piled up along the ditch from snow plow trucks. Officials believe that these banks forced the two closer to the traffic while walking for help. No charges are expected to be filed against drivers involved, according to the Chicago Tribune.

Our Highland car accident lawyers understand that we all have car troubles from time to time. Whether it’s caused by unpredictable weather conditions or a breakdown that leaves you stranded. The key is dealing with these kinds of unfortunate mishaps is to know what to do and how to correct the situation without putting yourself or anyone else in danger.
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Most Americans can agree — impaired driving is a serious threat to everyone on our roadways. Officials with the National Safety Council (NSC) report that roughly 97 percent of surveyed drivers say that it’s a serious threat. At the same time, about 75 percent of drivers say that they support more severe and tougher penalties against those who endanger others by getting behind the wheel after drinking.

Still, someone is killed in an alcohol-related accident every 30 minutes in the U.S. And although there have been some serious changes in the 80s and 90s to help to reduce the risks of these accidents, the progress has since leveled off.

Our accident attorneys in Highland know about 40 percent of all traffic accident fatalities involve alcohol. With the New Year, we’re asking drivers to resolve to stay sober behind the wheel. Officials in Indiana and throughout the nation are working to help curb the dangers, too.
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Anytime a person has suffered injuries as a result of an Indiana car crash, we strongly recommend at least setting up an initial consultation with a personal injury lawyer.

There are a number of reasons for this, many of which have to do with the time-sensitive nature of injury claims under state law. The case of Schoettmer v. Wright, recently reviewed by the Indiana Supreme Court, is a good example.

This case involves a car accident in which the offending driver was an employee of a government subdivision, making the claim subject to the Indiana Tort Claims Act, which has very strict time requirements for those seeking to pursue damages.
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A single drunk driver can alter the course of lives forever.

But sometimes, it’s not just the driver who should be held liable. Per IC7.1-5-10-15.5, Restaurants, bars and party hosts who serve alcohol to a person knowing he or she was visibly intoxicated and that the furnishing of such beverages was proximate to the cause of injury or death, may also share liability. These Dram Shop laws vary from state-to-state.

(In Indiana, not only can the victim of a drunk driver seek damages, the drunk driver is also entitled to seek damages from the social host, per the 1996 decision in Booker, Inc. v. Morrill. As an at-fault state, Indiana allows that a plaintiff can be up to 50 percent at-fault for the incident in question and still pursue compensatory damages.)
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Winter is quickly approaching and with this season comes plenty of inclement weather. Rain, sleet, snow and ice can make for an unpleasant driving experience. Motorists should be extremely cautious when driving in bad weather conditions. Ice covered roadways can be the most dangerous, especially when it turns out to be black ice, which is nearly invisible.

Understand that black ice is a glaze that forms on surfaces (especially roads, sidewalks, and driveways) because of a light freezing rain or because of melting and re-freezing snow, water, or ice. It’s called “black ice” because it tends to look like the rest of the pavement on the road, although in reality, it’s actually clear.

Our Highland car accident lawyers understand that, based on news media reports, there were at least 477 deaths due to icy roads in the United States during the 2008-2009 winter season, and at least 458 during the 2009-2010 winter season. The two-year average is 467 fatalities per year. According to, there were 14 fatalities due to icy-road accidents from 2009 to 2010 in the state of Indiana.
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Officials with the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) want you to be safe on our roadways and understand that can be a bit more difficult during the winter driving season.

They’re also reminding you: “Ice and Snow, Take it Slow!”

First and foremost, you want to make sure you’re ready. Before heading out, make sure you check weather and road conditions. Know the route you’re taking and make sure it’s clear. Also, make sure you’ve got plenty of gas. It’s not a bad idea to carry a winter driving kit which should include: blankets, flashlight and extra batteries, a brightly colored cloth, sand (or cat litter), shovel, candle, matches, non-perishable high calorie food, a first aid kit and jumper cables and cell phone.

Our Highland car accident lawyers understand that, each year, more than 800 people lose their lives on Hoosier roadways. Most of those crashes were caused by driver errors such as impaired driving, speeding, aggressive driving or distracted driving. The good news is that as a driver, you hold the key to crash prevention.
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Cruise control makes long trips and highway driving easier for motorists and is a very commonly used feature in vehicles. Because cruise control is found in so many cars and utilized by so many motorists, it is important to understand the impact that this feature can have on driver safety.

Recently, the AP News Archive reported on a study conducted in France involving 90 drivers. The study sought to uncover how cruise control effects driver behavior and thus how it affects the risk of accidents. Our Highland injury lawyers know that the results of the study were mixed, with cruise control helping to reduce some types of accidents while increasing the risks of others.
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Believe it or not, car accidents are responsible for most of the injuries that require some sort of hospitalization during pregnancy. And although the rate of seat belt use is on the rise, officials still estimate that 1 out of every 7 American adults isn’t buckling up during each and every car ride.

According to MNT, car accidents can be extremely dangerous for women who are pregnant, especially if they are not wearing a seat belt.

Our Highland car accident lawyers understand that many women have concerns about how to wear a seat belt properly while pregnant — and with good reason! When lap belts are improperly worn (over the dome of the uterus), they can significantly increase pressure on the baby and may possibly lead to fetal injury. But that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t wear one. You should instead know how to wear one correctly.
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Officials with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recently unveiled a new campaign that’s working to get parents to talk with the teen drivers in their family about five important driving habits. This effort is to help to protect our youngest, and most vulnerable travelers. The new campaign, “5 to Drive” has been launched alongside this year’s National Teen Driver Safety Week.

“The ‘5 to Drive’ campaign gives parents and teens a simple, straightforward checklist that can help them talk about good driving skills,” said Anthony Foxx, U.S. Transportation Secretary.

Our Highland car accident lawyers understand that there were close to 50,000 American drivers under the age of 21 who were involved in traffic accidents in the state of Indiana in 2011. Of these, close to 60 were killed as a result. Teen Driver Safety Week is observed each October and is used to promote outreach efforts that encourage communities to support the families of teenage drivers. Here in the state, organizations like Indiana Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) are getting involved by hosting events across the state that speak directly to young drivers about the dangers of distracted and impaired driving.
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