
Passengers in Auto Accidents

Passengers in auto accidents may be entitled to legal claims for damages they suffer from, but the extent of compensation varies, depending upon allowances in the insurance policy (ies) of the car owner(s) involved in the accident. In some cases, insurance policy limits may extend to uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage. Insurance policy limits may also extend to the passenger’s insurance policy.

First, the cause of the accident is determined by the insurance adjustors at the companies of policy holder who were involved in the accident. So, it is important to seek out the advice of a personal injury attorney before you speak to any insurance adjustors. Statements you may make may be misconstrued by insurance adjustors in an effort to limit liability for an insurance claim. After insurance adjustors determine the circumstances surrounding the accident, a decision is made about the liability of each party involved in the accident.

If you have suffered a serious injury as a passenger in an accident, typically your healthcare needs will extend over the course of several months. For this reason, insurance companies may offer an early settlement to forgo long term expenses associated with your care.  Typically, it is wisest to wait until you reach maximum capacity again and at that time it can be determined if you have a permanent disability rating. Once a permanent disability rating is calculated, a scale is used to determine the extent of financial compensation you may be entitled to.

Skilled personal injury attorneys are known to stand by your side every step of the way from the time that the accident occurs. Typically, they can be retained with no money down and can be compensated at the time of settlement. The first step is to have a skilled personal injury attorney evaluate your legal claim.

If you are need of a lawyer due to personal injury, please contact attorney Burton A. Padove at Padove Law at  (219) 836 2200.

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