
Indiana Injury And Family Lawyer Blog


Asbestos Case for 27 Defendants Settles

Asbestos has been used for decades by many individuals in select industries, including: construction workers, cement workers, plumbers, pipe fitters, insulators, furnace workers, roofers, power plant workers, oil refinery workers, miners, processing plant workers, manufacturing plant workers, railroad workers, shipyard and submarine veterans of war.  Workers were not aware that…


Indiana Meth Laws: Time for Improvements

In Indiana, laws already restrict the sale of methamphetamine and related over-the-counter drugs such as select cold medicines which contain meth. Today, Indiana lawmakers are taking meth restrictions to the next level with the introduction of a proposal that would not allow pharmacies to sell pseudoephedrine without a prescription from…


Dietary Supplements Recalls, Totaling 62 Products

Sixty two dietary supplement products have been removed from the nationwide and international market following an investigation uncovering that the supplements contain steroid or steroid-like substances that were not approved by the FDA. The recalling firm is Bodybuilding.Com, Meridian, ID. The recall began in November 2009 and is still ongoing,…


Blue Cross and Blue Shield under Fire, Plaintiff Attorneys Hit With Reduced Fees

In 2007, Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey was involved in a class action lawsuit filed by a group of nine medical specialists; including podiatrists and ophthalmologists. The medical specialists claimed that Blue Cross Blue Shield class action lawsuit stemmed against Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield because of…

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