
Indiana Injury And Family Lawyer Blog


ACE Inhibitors Linked to Birth Defects

On all drug package inserts, you will notice a list of associated risks which have been identified through studies that the scientists’ manufacturers had performed and/or through independent clinical trials in which patients used the drug to be monitored for the purpose of identifying health risks posed by the drug.…


Acne Treatment Linked to Serious Medical Conditions

Acne mat be treated through a variety of remedies. Commonly, the first method of treatment includes: extractions and/or antibiotic treatment. Laser therapy is one of the latest methods available to treat severe acne. When all else fails or an adjunct to treat is required, some physicians turned to Accutane (isotretinoin)…


MRI Gadolinium-based Contrast Dye Label Change Due to Life Threatening Risk

Nearly two years ago, the FDA received a high number of adverse events reports relating to Gadolinium-based (GADO) Contrast Dyes used in MRI testing. Adverse events reports are used to describe incidents in which a user of a drug is injured because of the ingredients in the product. In the…


Electronic Cigarettes Now Regulated

The Electronic Cigarette Association now regulates electronic cigarettes and related products to better protect the public health. These regulations will be an adjunct to the regulations offered by the FDA. In this way, additional measures to support joint objectives to help protect the public from harm. In fact, the FDA…

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