Medical device recalls do occur so it is important to know that if you are in need of a medical procedure, it’s not a bad idea to ask the physician the following questions: 1) How long the technology been available? 2) Have there been any recalls associated with the technology?…
Indiana Injury And Family Lawyer Blog
Indiana Child Custody Modification Application Questionable
Indiana child custody modification is a topic of discussion for many divorced parents thriving through career changes which may change their lifestyle or create the need for relocation. The court plays a role in lifestyle changes of divorced parents whenever the alterations in children’s lifestyles change. The court often must…
Proton Pump Inhibitor Warning Osteoporosis and Bone Fractures
Proton Pump Inhibitors, on a positive note, may allow people to reduce the risk of more serious medical conditions when acid in the stomach creates symptoms that may be more subtle than the consequence of being left untreated. People with erosive esophagitis, GERD, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug-induced ulcers, gastro esophageal reflux…
Legal Aid Race Set for May 7 2011
It’s time to slip into your sneakers and get ready for a healthy run. The One America 500 Festival Mini-Marathon is set at the same time as the Legal Aid Centre of Eldoret, Kenya, known as the LACE Race. The Legal Aid Centre of Eldoret, Kenya is hoping to raise…
Benzocaine Deaths Rise
Benzocaine is used by babies to reduce teething pain and by adults for cancer sores or gum irritation. Yet, there has been a scare dating back to 2006 when many infants died and their deaths had been linked to benzocaine use. Now, since the death toll has risen to 319…
Cold, Cough, and Allergy OTC’s removed from Shelves
Anytime you see an empty shelf at a drug store, your first inclination may be to think that the drug store has run short on supplies. So, you may look towards the right or left to see other products that you can choose from. In the case of Cold, Cough…
Indiana Superior Court Partners with IHCDA to Support People Facing Foreclosure and Lenders
Indiana Superior Court recently partnered with IHCDA to provide a secure Internet portal to enhance faster, more efficient resolutions for mortgage lenders and people facing foreclosure. The mortgage crisis has vastly affected thousands of lives, both from the prospective of the lender and the borrower. The foreclosure process is often…
Attn. Indiana and Illinois Residents: Class I Recall Pain Pump
Pain pumps used during and/or following surgery for medical procedures are generally safe. In fact, advancements in pain pumps have taken the fear, anxiety and discomfort out of surgery for many people throughout the U.S. At Padove Law, we like to keep you informed about recalls that may occur with…
Indiana DWI Law and Personal Injury Review
Indiana imposes stiff penalties for people with a DWI. Everyone today is likely to have heard the old adage, “No drinking and Driving”. Everyone today is likely to know the value associated with having a designated driver in your companionship on days or evening of drinking. Still not everyone knows…
Illinois Internet Retailers Get Taxed
Illinois has recently become the next state to embrace sales tax for retailers on the Internet. There are several other states in America that have also initiated sales taxation for Internet retailers based in their state. Over a year ago, Texas State billed Amazon for $269 million in back sales…