
Indiana Injury And Family Lawyer Blog


Indiana Physician Sited for Charging Patients for Treatment Not Rendered

Indiana physician Mark Weinberger must now contend with over 20 criminal counts of billing insured patients for treatment he did not perform. The U.S. Judge Philip Simon in the Northern District of Indiana recently rejected a plea agreement in which Mark Weinberger’s attorney suggested he receive four years in prison…


Pharmacy Mistakes: Be Aware

Pharmacy mistakes have been vastly reduced with the assistance of computerized systems that monitor and track patient data, including: past medication history, current medication history, and the potential interaction between drugs, including: side effects associated with drugs you are taking or will be taking. This provides for labels to be…


President Obama Signs Revision Law to Support Small Business

Law regarding a tax compliance measure for small businesses has recently been changed to better help support small businesses. The law revision relates to the former requirement of small businesses to send a 1099 form to companies in which they had to purchase services that exceeded $600.00 annually. Small businesses…

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