
Indiana Injury And Family Lawyer Blog


New Proposal to Ban Hand-Held Devices Aims to Reduce Risks of Trucking Accidents in Highland and Elsewhere

After yet another fatal trucking accident, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has decided to make another recommendation for commercial truck drivers to be banned from using a cell phone or any hands-free device while driving. The most recent accident took the lives of 11 people and destroyed some shops…


Students Mourn Victims of Indiana Teen Car Accident – GDL Programs Proven Faulty

Students in Vigo County are mourning the death of a classmate who recently died from injuries sustained in an Indiana teen car accident. The collision happened when the vehicle of the teen driver and her two passengers drifted into the path of another vehicle while traveling along State Highway 246.…


Man Killed, Woman Critically Injured in Lake County Motorcycle Accident

A recent Northwest Indiana motorcycle accident took the life of a 29-year-old rider in Lake County and left a passenger seriously injured, according to the Indiana State Police. The fatal accident happened in the westbound lanes of Interstate 90 at the 15.6 mile marker. The motorcyclist reportedly died at the…


Teen Drivers Hit the Road this School Year Increasing Risks for Car Accidents in Indiana for Everyone

A recent teen car accident in Veedersburg killed two Fountain Central High School students. Three teens were involved in the single-car accident that happened on the Kingman Road, according to Commercial-News. Two of the teens were airlifted to local hospital. One was transported by ambulance. The Fountain County Sheriff’s Department…


Students Riding Bicycles and Walking to School Warned of Dangers of Child-Pedestrian Accidents in Indiana

As we recently reported on our Indiana Injury And Family Lawyer Blog, students across the state are heading back to school this month and motorists need to be cautious these young ones on our roadways. A great number of children walk and bike to school, or use these forms of…



Law and Order, Perry Mason, Judd for the Defense, the Defenders, Boston Legal, The Verdict, LA Law, State of California v. O.J. Simpson, State of Florida v. Casey Anthony, United States Government v. Rod Blagojevich and every other trial, movie or television portrayal of trials have one thing in common,…


Students Head Back to School and Risks of School Bus Accidents in Indiana Increase this August

It’s that time of the year again when students head back to school. It’s also a time when we start seeing more injuries and deaths as a result of school bus accidents in Indiana and elsewhere in the country. In an attempt to reduce the risks of potentially fatal accidents…

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