
Indiana Injury And Family Lawyer Blog


MADD’s Fifth Anniversary in Campaign to Fight Drunk Driving Accidents in Indiana and Elsewhere during Holidays

There were nearly 700 fatalities resulting from alcohol-related car accidents in Indiana in 2009. Of these fatalities nearly 250 were merely alcohol-related while more than 200 were the result of drunk drivers. Through the Christmas and New Year holiday, Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) is pushing its Campaign to Eliminate…


Holiday Season Increases Traffic and Risks for Car Accidents in Indiana

The end of the year beings increased risks for serious car accidents in Highland. Thanksgiving is typically Indiana’s second deadliest holiday season. Officers responded to more than 40 rural-area accidents, 20 of them involving deer.Our Indiana car accident attorneys understand that we’ll be soon experiencing another wave of increased risks…


Drivers Warned of Winter Weather and Increased Risks of Car Accidents in Indiana

Three were injured in a recent Indiana car accident. The Indiana State Police report that the two-vehicle accident happened around 7:00 a.m. just north of Winslow on S.R. 61.The accident reports state that a 31-year-old driver was driving along 61 when she lost control of her vehicle because of the…


What Should Women Divorcing in Indiana Do to Prepare?

For women considering an Indiana divorce, many will decide to delay until after the holidays. With planned family gatherings, a possible road trip and other activities, it may make more sense to delay filing for divorce until after the holidays to save some stress and hard feelings that could…


Celebrity Divorces Highlight Similar Issues That Indiana Divorcees Go Through

There have been many celebrity divorces in the news recently and aside from a higher income than most of the rest of us, these high-profile divorcees go through similar challenges — just like everyone else. A Lake County divorce can take a toll, not only financially, but emotionally as well.…


AAA Predicts More Than 400 Fatal Car Accidents in Indiana and Elsewhere over Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is supposed to be a time to give thanks and to spend your time with cherished friends and family. Unfortunately, nearly 450 people will die in car accidents in Indiana and elsewhere during the upcoming holiday weekend, according to the National Safety Council (NSC). Another 43,500 people are expected…


State Police Support Drowsy Driving Prevention Week to Help Reduce Traffic Accidents in Indiana

Indiana State Police have seen it more than they want to remember– drivers asleep at the wheel and the resulting tragic consequences. That’s one of the reasons local officials have joined the efforts of the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety and the National Sleep Foundation to support Drowsy Driving Prevention…


Transportation Departments Prepare for Winter Weather and Risks for Car Accidents in Indiana

The Department of Public Works (DPW) Indy Snow Force recently recruited assistance from Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard for new enhancements that have been added to the state’s snow removal program. The recent announcement of its increase in snow plows comes just in time to address the wicked season to come.…

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