National School Bus Safety Week will be taking place this year from October 22nd through the 26th, according to the National Association for Pupil Transportation (NAPT). This year’s theme is “I see the Driver. The Driver Sees Me.”According to the School Bus Information Clearinghouse, there is no safer way to…
Indiana Injury And Family Lawyer Blog
Are Indiana “Divorce Coaches” Worth It?
There has been a lot of buzz recently about the increasing use of so-called “divorce coaches” in Indiana and throughout the country.Our Highland divorce attorneys can most certainly understand the benefit of having someone to help you work through the emotional turmoil of a divorce, as well as help you…
Indiana Ranks 37th for Nursing Home Care
There were more than 5,180 reports filed for inadequate nursing home care in the state of Indiana in just the last year! Sound high? That’s because it absolutely is! Recent stats with conclude that the state of Indiana had some of the worst offenders for serious healthcare deficiencies against…
Indiana Supreme Court to Consider Revamping Child Custody Rules
In an effort to streamline the way Indiana courts handle contentious child custody cases, the Indiana Supreme Court will convene next month to decide whether to adopt a 33-page set of new guidelines prepared by the Indiana Judicial Conference.The panel, comprised of state trial court judges, was charged with hammering…
Highland Traffic Safety Starts with Parents
Listen up parents! Your teens are watching your every move behind the wheel. There will be no bigger impact on their driving habits than the example you set behind the wheel. According to Claims Journal, a recent study from Liberty Mutual Insurance and SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions), close to…
Indiana Tractor-Trailer Risk Highlights Risk of Underride Collisions
A 56-year-old Hobart man escaped life-threatening injuries when his vehicle wedged beneath a tractor-trailer and up against a retaining wall while merging onto I-80 eastbound, according to the Indiana State Police. The picture (available at above link) shows how precarious the driver’s position was as his vehicle wedged partially beneath…
Elderly Drivers, Prescription Drugs & Driving Risks in Highland
The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety reports that about 70 percent of all residents who are over the age of 64 are taking at least five medications every day, which can negatively affect their driving habits. These side effects can produce deadly results.Medications, prescriptions and over-the-counter drugs come with a…
Protect Yourself From Abusive Spouse During Divorce
A couple begins arguing over allegations that the man is cheating on the woman.The fight escalates to physical violence, with the man reportedly head-butting the woman, causing her to require stitches. The woman subsequently files for divorce. Indiana divorce lawyers know that this type of scenario is frighteningly common that…
Keeping an Eye on Our Teen Drivers, through Smartphones
As parents, we worry about our kids. That worry is magnified when we send them out in a motor vehicle. Now, there’s a way that you can keep an eye on them even when you’re not in the passenger seat. It’s the Push Text app and it’s available for both…
U.S. v. Jeffries: Be Cautious of How You Express Frustration
A divorce and subsequent fight for child custody can be two of the most trying things you may ever endure. Many people liken it to dealing with a death.Indiana child custody lawyers know it is the end of whatever dream you may have had for a future with you and…