
Indiana Injury And Family Lawyer Blog


Officials Grade States on Distracted Driving Enforcement

You know that distracted driving is dangerous, but did you realize that those hands-free devices in your car are just as dangerous? That’s right. According to The Street, hands-free phones are just as distracting as holding a phone to your ear.”‘Hands-free’ is not risk free,” says David Strayer, who recently…


Increase in Intoxicated Pedestrian Accidents in Focus

With all of the anti-drunk driving campaigns, residents and visitors may be more likely to be involved in a pedestrian accident blamed on alcohol. While drunk driving campaigns are great in preventing drunk driving accidents, they only increase the risk of drunk walking accidents.According to Associated Press, there were more…


Highland Divorce Lawyers Caution Against “Destination Divorces”

As destination weddings have become all the rage in recent years, it was probably only a matter of time before someone began marketing “destination divorces.”The concept first caught on in the Netherlands, but it wasn’t long before an American reality show was proposed on the concept and now, a company…


Indiana Parenting Time Can’t Be “Negotiated Away” High Court Rules

Calling the practice “repugnant and contrary to public policy,” the Indiana Supreme Court has ruled that for parents to negotiate lesser parenting time with their children as a means of reducing child support obligations is not legal.As such, our Hammond child custody lawyers understand that the court has instructed family…


Indiana Gay Marriage Battle Imminent Following DOMA Ruling

The battle for marriage equality in Indiana has been re-ignited, following the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that struck down the federal Defense of Marriage Act forbidding married, same-sex couples from partaking in many of the same legal benefits as opposite-sex married couples.Our Highland family law attorneys know that while homosexual…

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