
Indiana Injury And Family Lawyer Blog


Indiana Cohabitation Agreements in Demand as Remarriage Rates Dip

After enduring one failed marriage – or two – fewer couples are finding themselves willing to tie the knot once again. A recent report by the National Center for Family & Marriage Research at Bowling Green State University revealed that the U.S. remarriage rate has plunged by 40 percent over…


Winter Weather Accidents in Indiana a Risk Heading into Holidays

Officials with the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) want you to be safe on our roadways and understand that can be a bit more difficult during the winter driving season. They’re also reminding you: “Ice and Snow, Take it Slow!” First and foremost, you want to make sure you’re ready.…


Legal Separation and Pending Divorces in Indiana

Coming to a decision about whether to divorce or stay together is not something most people take lightly. In some situations, couples take years before reaching their final conclusion. There is nothing wrong with not wanting to rush into anything. However, long-term separations absent legal protections could end up being…


Teen Driver Safety Week an Important Focus as Holiday Season Approaches

Officials with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recently unveiled a new campaign that’s working to get parents to talk with the teen drivers in their family about five important driving habits. This effort is to help to protect our youngest, and most vulnerable travelers. The new campaign, “5…


More Indiana Divorces Could be Spurred by Government Healthcare Reform

The Affordable Care Act, also known as “Obamacare,” has become the center of a contentious political battle, leading to an uncompromising standoff resulting in a federal government shutdown that has left both sides bitterly divided and the nation in limbo. Whether you love or hate the act, it appears, at…

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