
Is There a Good Time and Good Way to Get an Indiana Divorce?

Two recent articles that have hit the Internet look at the best time and the best way to get a divorce.

Seeking a divorce and a fresh start is often preferable to living in an unhappy marriage — regardless of the timing. It’s the job of an experienced Highland Divorce Lawyer, to shepherd a client through the process.

A Lake County Divorce doesn’t have to be an awful experience. Some are tough to handle, but if couples are interested in amicably splitting and are dedicated to avoiding contentious litigation, the process can be less painful and can allow for each side to move on.The first article deals with the timing of a divorce. There are some events that can drastically alter how a divorce in Indiana plays out.

Unstable real estate market: In a hot real estate market, a house can be a major asset that brings in a lot of money for the spouse who gets it. If selling the house in a soft market is necessary, however, it can become a liability.

A shaky economy: With credit tight and spouses having to buy cars or rent houses after a divorce, careful planning is necessary. And if people are suffering through a job loss, the situation can be all the more difficult.

Bad credit: If one spouse has bad credit, it may be in their best interests to negotiate keeping the car or staying in the house to avoid having to try to qualify for a loan to buy a car or rent an apartment, both of which require a credit report. If the split is amicable, taking six months to build the credit score may be worthwhile.

Minor children: With less combined income after a divorce (you’re both paying for rent or a mortgage now), the children can lose out. Most parents put less toward college after divorce, yet they may benefit from being able to more easily be able to qualify for student loans.

Receiving an inheritance: Most states don’t look forward, meaning an inheritance or something that is earned after the divorce is final is not on the table for splitting.

While those are all tips about the timing of a divorce, here are some ways to go through a good divorce:

  • Have you tried counseling?
  • Can you treat your ex with respect?
  • Will you put the kids’ best interests ahead of yours?
  • Can you communicate well?
  • Work to avoid the courthouse.
  • Find a problem-solving attorney.
  • Work on being mature or get therapy.
  • Can you be selfless?
  • Set goals and have a game plan.
  • Be honest and don’t play games.

If you or a loved one requires representation in a family law matter in Indiana, contact the Padove Law at 219-836-2200. With 30 years of experience dealing with divorce, child custody and other family law issues throughout Northwest Indiana, Padove Law works for the client.

Additional Resources:

The best and worst times (financially) to get divorced, by Angie Mohr, Investopedia
Can You Have a Good Divorce?, by Henry Gornbein, The Huffinton Post

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