As motorists pack their vehicles and hit the road over this Memorial Day holiday weekend, officials with the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute (ICJI) are reminding everyone to make sure that their seat belts are buckled. It’s all a part of Indiana’s 2013 “Click It or Ticket” enforcement campaign to get…
Articles Posted in Car Accidents
Indiana Traffic Safety Watch – Drunk Driving, Prom and Graduation
This might be the most memorable time of your teen’s life. We’re talking about prom and graduation season. While one of the best times, it can also be one of the most dangerous. That’s why officials with Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) are here to help parents and guardians to…
Are You Daydreaming Your Way into a Distracted Driving Crash
It has long been established that texting and driving is one of the most dangerous things that you can do as you drive. However, one recent study indicates that cell phone use may not be the number one most common reason for a distracted driving accident. The study suggests that…
Gary Injury Lawyers Mark April as Distracted Driving Awareness Month
Officials are kicking off National Distracted Driving Awareness Month and they’re working to save lives. Safe driving advocates with the National Safety Council (NSC) are using the entire month of April to get drivers to hang up the phone.Our Gary car accident lawyers understand that these dangerous driving behaviors continue…
Indiana New Car Safety — There’s an App for That!
There a new iOS app for iPhones and iPod Touch devices and it’s going to help to get you real-time vehicle safety information. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) this information is going straight from to your phone. You can get information regarding each make and…
Prevent Indiana Car Accidents With Safe Winter Driving
A four-car pile-up just after dusk in central Indiana resulted in the death of a 68-year-old beloved city clerk-treasurer, whom witnesses say was traveling at a high rate of speed when she braked suddenly, causing a chain reaction.Our Highland car accident attorneys recognize this incident as a stark reminder that…
Teen Driving Fatalities: Indiana is No. 1
Teen drivers in Indiana are at high risk of being involved in a traffic collision.In fact, our Highland car accident lawyers understand it’s more dangerous for them here on our roads than anywhere else in the country. That’s not a scare tactic. That’s reality, according to a recent study by…
Report: Indiana Driver Safety Attitudes, Behaviors, Don’t Jive
The fact that most drivers are aware of the potential dangers of actions like speeding, texting and drinking behind the wheel is a testament to the intensive efforts of public safety officials.However, our Hammond car accident attorneys know there is a disconnect between this awareness and actual driving habits. That…
Indiana DUI Crashes Increase Following Super Bowl Festivities
Today is an unofficial U.S. holiday – Super Bowl Sunday. Across the country, hosts are cooking up pots of spicy chili, marinating those burgers and brats for grilling – and making last-minute beer runs.Our Highland personal injury attorneys know that Super Bowl Sunday is a notoriously dangerous day to be…
Report: Indiana Car Accident Prevention Requires Tougher Laws
When it comes to nationwide roadway safety, Indiana did not fare as well as we would have hoped, according to a recently-released annual report highlighting legislative deficiencies.Our Highland personal injury attorneys aren’t surprised by the findings, though we hope it serves as an eye-opener and a starting point for lawmakers…